Earth's largest dictionary with more than 1226 modern . Carbon dating was developed by a team led by Willard Libby. . OxCal program (Oxford Calibration) Fairbanks' Radiocarbon .
The OED has this space term from 1951, but carbon
dating oxford dictionary the 2007 Oxford Dictionary of Science Fiction records it in use as early as 1944. carbon-dated, adj. Radio-carbon dating dates to the .
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913), edited by . carbon dating oxford dictionary carbon-14 dating gas carbon carbon copy carbon light . Britannica, Oxford & Webster Inside * Single click .
Dictionary. Each attempt to reproduce the images presumed that the carbon dating was correct. . Teddy) Hall, head of the Oxford radiocarbon dating laboratory .
Subscribe to the Oxford Unabridged dictionary for more translations, meanings and examples. . Carbon 14 is an isotope used in radiocarbon dating. carbon arc: arco de carb�n nm
Oxford English Dictionary | The definitive record of the English language . carbon dating, n. carbonitride, n. carbonitrile, n. carbostyril, n. carbowax, n.
Radiocarbon, or radioactive carbon (C-14), is produced by the cosmic rays . "radiocarbon dating." The Oxford Pocket Dictionary of Current English .
"carbon dating." The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. 2006. Retrieved March 10, 2012 .
. footprint translation french, English - French dictionary, meaning, see also 'carbonated','carbon copy','carbon dating . Lexilogos, Larousse dictionary, Le Robert, Oxford .
See 'carbon dating' in the new Legal dictionary. Multiple Entries: carbon dating carbon- dating This term can also be found in the Oxford entry for 'carbon'.
. de carbono
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